E-commerce businesses are dependent on the success of delivery fulfillment and all aspects related to it. With the pandemic acting as a catalyst to customers shifting to online purchase methods. DMS is becoming an essential part of the e-commerce business. Shipox is one DMS that helps businesses cater to the needs of the customers and helps businesses become successful. 

Businesses can make adjustments to the increase in delivery needs by investing in an effective delivery management system. DMS can assist and streamline the delivery process for the business. 

The delivery process is a very essential part of making the business successful. This is because delivery is the only interaction the business has with the customer. That has to be flawless,  considering that if this goes wrong. Customers are lost. 

Businesses have learned that delivery management systems are important for-profit growths.  Investing in a good DMS results in quicker, cost-effective deliveries. DMS does not cost a lot and also yields more results. Shipox is a delivery management system that allows businesses to become more cost-effective and yields more profits.  

Shipox gives a free trial so that businesses can experience the services provided by the DMS. 150  orders per month are free but as the number of orders increases. The prices also change. But Shipox  manages to be more cost-effective by decreasing the cost per order and charging a monthly totally  based on the number of orders coming in. Businesses can further look into the pricing by clicking the  link. https://shipox.com/price/ 

A thought which may arise is the time it would take to set up a delivery management system. It would be surprising to know that companies can set up their own custom DMS in under 60 seconds.  There are 4 steps to it. The first step involves the integration of orders from PCOS and the ability to view stores and the location of the driver. The second step is the optimization of routes, automated dispatch to the drivers and it gives choices to the driver to accept the jobs. The app allows drivers to see the task on their phones, it gives alerts to customers and it tracks the status of the job in the third step. The fourth step is timely delivery, which allows the business to get feedback and view analytics.  

Investing in Shipox will help the business grow as it will allow businesses to become more effective.  While simultaneously allowing businesses to become more cost effect effective and yield more profit.