New Features:
- Download order information excel file:

When you have hundreds of orders to analyze or review an excel export comes in handy. When reviewing daily orders, driver etc on Shipox it is much simpler if we could just download in Excel. In past if you want to export orders you could select orders and download csv/xl but if you have many hundreds and thousands of orders then the process would take longer and you would not be able to do any other task when the download was happening.
With the new release now, you do not have to wait, you can do your work while the file generation process is working in the background. So, user can see the progress bar and when it is finished, the file can be downloaded.
- Selecting Multiple coverage areas per warehouse:

For warehouses, it’s very important to select the areas that this warehouse operates on, the past you need to select these areas one by one, this may take some time and some repetitive steps.
To make warehouse coverage area selection easy and fast we have this new feature where you can select and edit warehouse coverage inside he warehouse settings. So now when you select Edit coverage inside the warehouse, you can click on multiple areas from the map to choose.
- Users and customers are separated from each other:
Viewing users and their information is important when it comes to know about the permissions and roles for each users, users in Shipox system can be divided into:
– Users: who are maybe individuals inside your company or entity, like dispatchers, Finance guys and admins.
– Customers: merchants retailers shops who create orders are our customers. Each customer has unique login and can be found under the section Customers.
Both can be considered as users, but actually their functionality is different, and also cannot be processed in the same page, like in past releases when you view the users page, but in this release, we separated them, so when go to the users page, you will find only internal users
Now in the users page we can see only system users, admins and operation users.

Note: Code fix – Customers are no longer appearing in the user’s page, we can see them in customer page.

- Operations in batch orders are grouped:

Orders’ status is very important when processing and filtering orders, we have a lot of the available statuses on Shipox that cover all the possible stages of the order’s life cycle, when updating the status of an order, it will be more easy when we can group all related statuses together.
In this release you will also see in the batch order update section the statuses are now grouped together by the phases or an order.