New Features
1. Warehouse Coverage Area Phase Two – What advantage this new feature gives us, users can set specific coverage areas for warehouses when the order is created in these areas, and the order’s pick up and delivery warehouse will be assigned automatically and shown on the order description.
In the second stage you can see the coverage area of all warehouses in different colors in the map view version, and when the order is created inside the coverage area of any warehouse the pickup and destination warehouse are assigned automatically

2. Assign time slot on order upload to Excel form – Now users can assign available time slots on the excel order upload form, and if there is a validation problem then they can fix it on the validation form of the order upload page

3. Webhook History in Activity History and Order Brief – This webhook history works to collect all change log history of the order, this list will be available on the brief order page and Activity history
4. New Finance summary report – New Finance Summery Report implemented which works to get customers accounting data like Order count, Actual Service Charge RTO Charge and etc… in a specific period

5. Routing Excel download option – This option allows users to download a list of generated roads in the Order Routing and give detailed information like the sequence of orders to pick up or deliver, and assigned Drivers

Bug Fix:
1. Warehouse Coverage area – Area list checked for marketplace ID in order to avoid merging with customized areas
2. Phone number validation on Shipox website – New phone number validation implemented for sign-up company form in
3. Driver/Driver Dashboard Excel Download issue – Driver and driver dashboard excel downloads with source company – minor change in UI
4. AWBZ Thabit issue – Shipment ID is linked to the barcode on the bottom of AWBZ
5. Incomplete orders bug fixings – Minor changes done backend related to Salla integration