- Hub management
“Hub Management – this new change allow users control platform with warehouses
Before turning on Hub management every marketplace should do following steps:

- Step 1 : Set Coverage area for existing/new created warehouses (used to determine operation warehouse and “”FROM and TO”” warehouse)

- Step 2 : Set primary warehouse existing/new created user (allow user see all data belong to selected warehouses to do actions)

- Step 3 : Select warehouse in user edit/create page (allow user see the data belong to selected warehouses to do actions)
- Step 4 : Set warehouse for existing/new created Drivers

- Step 5 : Set warehouse for existing/new created Vehicles

How it works:
When new order created on the coverage area of “”Warehouse A””, its Operation and From warehouse set as “”Warehouse A””, To warehouse will be assigned to “”Warehouse B””. This order will be visible only for “”Warehouse A”” users. If it is in sorted in “”Warehouse B”” the Operation warehouse will change to “”Warehouse B”” and this order will be gone form “”Warehouse A”” users and will be visible to “”Warehouse B”” users”
- New Dashboard Items
Shipox Statistics Dashboard is renewed and following charts and graphs are implemented:
- Orders for last 30 days – This chart shows number of daily orders created over a 1-month interval.
- Orders for last 12 weeks – This chart shows number of weekly orders created over a 12-weeks interval.
- Monthly order creation progress – This line graph shows the number of orders created per month since the company was created

- Pickup Success Rate – This chart shows the ratio of the number of orders created per day to the number of picked up orders, and pick up success rate.
- Delivery Success Rate – This chart shows the ratio of the number of orders created per day to the number of delivered orders, and delivery success rate.
- Additional Service Charge
The new feature has been added to order creation form, now users can add additional service charge when the create an order, services should be created in Additional Charge section with fixed price and can be used on order creation form.

4. Click Integration
A new payment integration has been developed for Uzbekistan users, this change offers Uzbekistan users to pay for orders through the Click Payment application.