Every Delivery Management System must have the capability to categorize the order status in multiple different ways in order to keep the delivery company and drivers updated about the exact stage of the order. There are many benefits of the ability of the route optimization software or fleet management to systematically categorize the order status. 

Here are some of the most common advantages of the categorization of order status by Delivery Management System:

Delivery Management
  • Systematic Order Management

With each order status clearly labeled and categorized, delivery management can become systematic and there would be no chaos. The automation in this process is also more clear and systematic than manual efforts to label the status of each order. 

  • Increased Accountability in Operations

Categorization of the order status can make drivers and managers be vigilant about carrying out the entire order journey with caution and to avoid any form of mismanagement of the orders. Since every form of order status can be held updated, they have the ability to add to the system exactly what stage of the order journey the parcel is at and why. This avoids any unnecessary delays in the delivery cycle. 

  • Enhanced Customer Trust

Companies which use such advanced DMS are able to gain customer trust and provide enhanced customer experience. This is because these companies are able to keep track of all possible things that can happen to the order or parcel during the delivery journey, such as the delays that might occur, customer returns, damaged items, or any other factor. It makes customers feel satisfied and secure that the delivery company would be well aware of their order status. 

  • Ease of Operations

This feature enables operational managers and drivers to carry out their jobs with ease. They have a clear understanding of what is happening to each order, and can hence ensure successful delivery operations ans be answerable to the clients at the same time. This increases efficiency as well as the reliability of operations to a great extent. 

Shipox has 50+ status types to categorize orders accordingly, in order to increase maximum clarity for flawless order management. The most commonly used order statuses used during the delivery management operations are listed down below along with brief explanations of what they mean:

1. Unassigned – An order when first reaches the Shipox system will have this status.

2. Assigned to Courier – When there is “assign to supplier” rule the order gets updated with this status by default

3. Assigned to Driver – When assigned to a specific driver.

4. Out For Pickup – Driver is on his way to pick up the item

5. Arrived – Driver has arrived to the pickup location

6. First Pickup Attempt – Temporary status. Added when the first attempt is done, and then followed by the actual attempt status

7. Picked Up (A) – When the status is In Sorting Warehouse Picked Up (A) is added

8. Picked Up – Driver or API Courier Company has Picked the parcel Up

9. Bad Sender Address – Pick Up Exception, when the Driver cannot find the Sender’s location

10. Sender Not Available – When the Driver cannot reach the Sender

11. Parcel Not Ready – When the parcel is not ready for Pick Up

12. Sender Mobile Switched Off – When the Driver tried to call the Sender but his/her phone was switched off

13. Sender Mobile Wrong or Incomplete – When the Driver tried to call the Sender but his/her number was incomplete or wrong

14. Sender Mobile No Response – When the Driver tried to reach Sender but he/she is not responding to Driver’s call

15. Pick Up Address is Out of Service Area – When the address of the Sender is not covered by the Courier Company

16. Future Pickup Requested – When Sender was not available at the location and asked to for pickup for another date

17. Sender Address Change Requested – When the Sender asked to change his/her pickup location

18. Unable to Access Sender Premises or Closed – When Driver cannot get the Sender’s permission 

19. Prohibited Items – The list of the items are not allowed to deliver

20. Incorrect Packaging – When the parcel packed incorrectly for delivery

21. No AWB Printed – When the Sender didn’t print the AWB and parcel is not picked up due to this issue

22. Pick Up is Delayed due to Late Booking – When the Sender placed an order after pickup time

23. Bad Weather during Pick Up – Because of the bad Weather the pickup is delayed

24. Sender Name is Missing – When the creator of the order didn’t mention the name of the Sender

25. No Capacity or Time – When the Driver does not have  place in the car or time for Pick up

26. Pick Up Rejected – When Driver does not have enough space or time to pick up the item

27. Pick Up On Hold – Pick Up is on Hold

28. Pick Up is Scheduled – When Pick Up Address / Date / Time is clarified and scheduled

29. Pick Up Failed – All attempts done or after rejection

30. In Sorting Facility – In Sorting Facility

31. Item is Lost or Damaged – Item is Lost or Damaged

32. In Transit – In Transit From one Hub To Another

33. Dispatched – The parcel is Dispatched

34. Out For Delivery (Driver App only status) – Out For Delivery

35. Arrived at Delivery Address – Driver reached the delivery address

36. Delivery on Hold – Delivery is on Hold

37. First Delivery Attempt – Temporary status. Added when the first attempt is done, and then followed by the actual attempt status

38. Delivered – When the parcel is Delivered

39. Bad Recipient Address – When the Driver cannot reach the location of the Recipient 

40. Recipient Not Available – When the Recipient is not reachable 

41. Recipient Mobile Switched Off – Recipient mobile is switched off 

42. Recipient Number is Wrong or Incomplete – When the phone number wrong or incomplete

43. Recipient Mobile No Response – No Response from the receiver side

44. Delivery Address Change Requested – When the receiver asked to change his/her address for delivery management

45. COD Not Ready – When the Cash On Delivery is not ready

46. Future Delivery Requested – When the receiver asked for delivery for another date

47. Delivery Address is Out of Service Area – When the Courier Company does not cover delivery address

48. Unable to Access Recipient Premises or Closed – When Driver cannot get the Recipient’s permission

49. No Capacity for Delivery –  When the Driver does not have  place in the car or time for Delivery

50. ID or Document Required is Missing – when the receiver do  not have with him/her required ID or Document

51. Bad Weather during Delivery – Because of the bad Weather the delivery is delayed

52. Recipient Name is Missing – When the creator of the order didn’t mention the name of the Recipient

53. Self-Collection is Arranged or Requested – When the Recipient asked for Self-Collection

54. Wrong Shipment – When the Recipient got wrong item

55. Incomplete Parcel – When the some parts of the item missing

56. Delivery Delay due to Late Booking – When the  Delivery Delayed due to Late Booking

57. Insufficient Time for Delivery – When the recipient is not available

58. Delivery Rejected – When the receiver rejected the delivery

59. Delivery Scheduled – When Delivery Address / Date / Time is clarified and scheduled

60. Delivery Failed – All attempts done or after rejection

61. To Be Returned To Shipox – When the parcel will be returned back to the warehouse after delivery attempt is failed

62. Returning To Shipox – When the parcel is on the way back to the warehouse after delivery attempt is failed

63. Returned To Shipox – When the parcel reached the warehouse after failed delivery management attempt

64. To Be Returned – When the parcel will be returned back to the Sender

65. Out For Return – When the parcel is on the way to Sender

66. Returned to Origin – When the parcel is returned to Sender

67. Canceled By Driver – When the parcel is canceled by Driver

68. Canceled – When the Order is Canceled

69. Canceled/Rejected Due to No Service Area – When the Courier Company is not covering the delivery area

70. Rejected – When the delivery rejected by Sender/Recipient/Driver due to issues mentioned above

71. In transit to supplier – When the parcel is in transit to Courier Company

72. Transited to supplier – When the Courier Company got the parcel

73. Prepared for transit – When the parcel is ready for transit

74. Recipient want inspect item – When the receiver wants to open the shipment before accepting it

75. Lost – When the item is Lost

76. Damaged – When the Item is Damaged

77. Office closed – When the receiver asked for delivery to his office location but at the time of the delivery, office was already closed

78. Destroyed on Customers Request – When the customer is no longer interested in the product which is already paid for and ask you the destroy the product

Shipox is a data-driven Delivery Management Software that enables its users across a multitude of diverse industries to avail market competitive features and customer support in order to automate and perfect their delivery process. Shipox users are able to increase the efficiency of their delivery process, optimize their costs effectively, and enhance their customer experiences.It can help to increase the rate of first day delivery success. To learn more, you can sign up for a quick demo here.